----- Forwarded message from Roland Bless ----- - I just uploaded an updated version of the ps2eps tool to ftp.dante.de. It's all in the subdir /incoming/ps2eps.
- You can replace the existing version in support/ps2eps
- The program is licensed under gpl.
Due to necessary changes for Windows XP please announce the update as follows to CTAN-ANN.
ps2eps v1.39 in CTAN:support/ps2eps ----------------------------------- ps2eps is a tool to produce Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS/EPSF) from usual one-paged Postscript documents. It calculates correct Bounding Boxes for those EPS files and filters some special postscript command sequences that can produce errorneous results on printers.
You need: - perl (an interpreter for the perl language, see http://www.perl.com) - ghostscript (an interpreter/raster image processor for the PostScript language, see http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/) - maybe an ANSI-C compiler if you don't use Linux, Solaris, Digital Unix, HP-UX or Windows 9x/NT/2000. - The program is licensed under gpl.
Important changes since version 1.35: - This is an update that allows also to convert postscript files created under Windows XP (or PScript.dll 5.2) to eps. I found that the original postscript output drew white boxes that erased portions of the text above the bounding box of the embedded image, although the .eps image was clipped by includegraphics*! ps2eps fixes this. - Added filter for Star/Openoffice 5.2 - Added /setpagedevice {pop} def to prolog in order to fix problems with pdf creation, pstricks and nested dvips output (thanks to Hans Fredrik Nordhaug hansfn@mi.uib.no for suggesting this addition) - Improved processing of binary files with beginimage endimage ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the submission. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:/tex-archive/support/ps2eps/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team