On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
I´ve uploaded the first official version of ShapePatch to CTAN. It is on the server dante.ctan.org in the directory /incoming/shapepatch I created. ShapePatch is a patch against transfig, that adds a new output driver. This driver writes definitions for the TeX macro shapepar by Donald Arsenau. Defining such shapes is normally crucial, using this driver one can sketch the shape in XFig and then convert it to shapepar. Details can be found in the attached readme file. Since it is a patch to transfig, I think the best place for it is a subdirectory beyond the graphics/transfig or a separate directory graphics/transfig-shape. As for the license, it should be the same as transfig, which is listed as GPL in your Catalogue.
Thanks for the upload. Installing your patch within the graphics/transfig tree is not easily possible, as this tree is mirrored. I have therefore taken the liberty to install it in
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf