On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Florian Benischke wrote:
Report on upload of directory 'mceinleger':
- what you've uploaded
3 files in the named directory: mceinleger.sty mceinleger.pdf mceinleger.tex
- which CTAN node you've uploaded to
- where you want the files to go
- what licensing conditions you apply to your software
gpl GNU General Public Licence
- a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do
package for creating MC-covers on your own; allows creation of simple covers as well as covers with an additional page for more information about the cassette (table of contents e.g.). needs package 'rotating' to work. mceinleger.tex and mceinleger.pdf are files to explain the use of the package.
Thanks for your upload.
Since your package is mainly a LaTeX package, I decided to install it in
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf