Timo Baumann submitted an update to the
Version number: 2.5 License type: gpl
Summary description: “Arts”-style bibliographical information
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BibArts is a package to administer bibliographical references in footnotes, and for creating a bibliography from these references simultaneously; it requires a program, for which source and Windows executable are provided.
bibarts.sty provides commands for quotation, register keywords, abbreviations, and especially for a formatted citation of literature, journals (periodicals), published documents, and unpublished archive documents.
You have to say usepackage{bibarts} in your [file].tex; then, you can use vli{FirstName}{LastName}{The ktit{Title} etc.} for full references to literature, and kli{LastName}{Title} for shortened references. printvli will print your List of Literature.
Changes from BibArts version 2.4 (2022[a]) to version 2.5 (now, 2022b):
(1) You may now put curly brackets around the ktit{shortened title}, e.g.:
vli {K.} {Mayer} {The extbf {ktit{Book}}, Frankfurt/M.}.
Older versions, despite announcektit, did not print (cited as ...) in that case. Now, this error has been fixed, and vli prints correctly:
K. Mayer: The Book, Frankfurt/M. (cited as Mayer: Book [L]).
2) bibarts.sty now searches for a full stop at the end of the last argument of vli commands. So, you may set otannouncektit, and you will get:
K. Mayer: The Book, Frankfurt/M.
(BibArts 2.5 automatically prints . instead of .. at the end.)
(3) BibArts now supports the name-year system. In this feature, the last argument of a shortened reference kli consists of the year of publication (instead of a few words from the full title). In this new system, you also use ktit in the full reference vli, but in the optional *{argument} as:
footnote{vli {J.} {Smith} *{onlyvoll{ktit{2022}}} {An Alternative}.} ... footnote{kli {Smith} {2022}.} %% <= automatically prints IBIDEM.
The ktit in the *{argument} of the full reference vli has to be masked by onlyvoll; only then, BibArts will print IBIDEM, if kli{Smith}{2022} is in the following footnote. Instead of especially *{onlyvoll{ktit{2022}}}, you may use *{starktit{2022}} as a shorter synonym; also see ba-short.pdf.
After a start of the BibArts program bibsort, and a second start of LaTeX, printvli prints the List of Literature from the given name-year example as:
Smith, J. 2022: An Alternative.
(4) Anyway, ktit now is no more necessarily in the last argument of a vli command. The new bibsort tells you whether you have always chosen the same argument (where arg 3 means the optional *{argument}, and arg 4 the last argument). To get the new features, bibsort, and bibarts.sty, both need to be updated to version 2.5. bibsort is sometimes referred to as bibarts-bin.
(5) bibsort now knows further eleven UTF-8 characters (according to the changes in utf8enc.dfu from version 2021/06/21 v1.2n to 2022/06/07 v1.3c).
Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
BibArts 2.5 (2022b): (C) Timo Baumann, Versions 2.x (2015-2022)
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts
More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/bibarts
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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