Vít Starý Novotný submitted an update to the
Version: 2025-02-25 License: lppl1.3c gpl2+
Summary description: Development tools for expl3 programmers
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Version: 2025-02-24 ### explcheck v0.7.0
#### Development
- Generate a static web site for the exploration of issues in all expl3 files from TeX Live. (discussed with @norbusan and @koppor in #28 and #32, implemented in https://github.com/koppor/explcheck-issues by @koppor)
The web site is available here: https://koppor.github.io/explcheck-issues/.
- Add support for config file sections `[filename."=E2=80=A6"]` for specifying file-specific configuration. (#32, #57, #62)
For example, here is how you might configure a file `expl3-code.tex` from your configuration file `.explcheckrc`:
``` toml [filename."expl3-code.tex"] expl3_detection_strategy =3D "always" ignored_issues =3D ["w200", "w202", "e209"] max_line_length =3D 140 ```
- Pre-configure well-known files from current TeX Live with more than 100 error detections in https://koppor.github.io/explcheck-issues/. (#32, #57, #62)
- Add command-line option `--error-format` and Lua option `error_format`. (discussed with @koppor in koppor/errorformat-to-html#2, added in #40, 5034639, and #43)
This allows users to specify Vim's quickfix errorformat used for the machine-readable output when the command-line option `--porcelain` or the Lua option `porcelain` is enabled.
- Add command-line option `--expl3-detection-strategy` and Lua option `expl3_detection_strategy`. (drafted and discussed with @koppor in #38, added in #49)
- Add command-line option `--make-at-letter` and Lua option `make_at_letter`. (discussed with @zepinglee in #30 and #36, added in #61)
These options determine how the at sign (`@`) should be tokenized. The default value `"auto"` automatically determines the category code based on context cues.
#### Fixes
- Prevent false positive E102 (Unknown argument specifiers) detections for control sequences with multiple colons (`::`). (#62)
- Ensure that whole files are considered to be in expl3 when the Lua option `expl3_detection_strategy` is set to `"always"`, even when the files contain standard delimiters `\ProvidesExpl*`. (#62)
This also prevents false positive E102 (expl3 material in non-expl3 parts) detections.
- Only report warning S103 (Line too long) in expl3 parts. (#38, #49)
- In machine-readable output, report the line and column number 1 for file-wide issues. (reported by @koppor in #39, fixed in #40)
- Exclude comments from maximum line length checks. (reported by @muzimuzhi in #27, fixed in #43, #58, and #59)
This includes spaces before the comments.
- Always accept both lower- and upper-case issue identifiers. (reported by @muzimuzhi in #26, fixed in #44)
This includes Lua options and configuration files, in addition to command-line options and inline TeX comments.
- Exclude "weird" argument specifiers (`:w`) from warning W200. (reported by @muzimuzhi in #25, fixed in #45)
- Remove error E203 (Removed control sequences). (reported by @koppor in #53, fixed in #54)
- Fix two instances of explcheck crashing while processing input files. (reported by @koppor in #31, fixed in #52 and #59)
- Do not recognize `@` as a part of an expl3 control sequence. (reported by @zepinglee in #30 and #37, fixed in #60)
This prevents warnings S205 and S206 for LaTeX2e control sequence (re)definitions.
#### Deprecation
- Deprecate the command-line option `--expect-expl3-everywhere` and remove the Lua option `expect_expl3_everywhere`. (#49)
Use the command-line option `--expl3-detection-strategy=3Dalways` or the corresponding Lua option `expl3_detection_stragegy=3D "always"` instead.
- Deprecate the default config file section `[options]`. (#62)
Rename the section to `[defaults]` instead.
#### Documentation
- Add SPDX license identifier to `README.md`. (added by @koppor in #50)
- Link a list of all currently supported issues from `README.md`. (added by @koppor in #51)
- Link https://koppor.github.io/explcheck-issues/ from `README.md`. (#28, #32, b774ba77)
#### Continuous integration
- Continuously run explcheck on all packages in historical TeX Live Docker images. (suggested by @hansonchar in #28 and #31, added in #52 and #56)
- Use ShellCheck to check code style of Bash scripts. (#61)
#### Housekeeping
- Make off-by-one errors less likely when working with byte ranges. (#47, #48, 13ebfc6e, a0923d06)
#### Artwork
- Add artwork by https://www.quickcartoons.com/ to directory `artwork/`. (566769b)
Version: 2025-02-25 ### explcheck v0.7.1
#### Development
- Add support for config file sections `[package.…]` for specifying package-specific configuration. (#32, #57, #62, #63)
For example, here is how you might configure the file `expl3-code.tex` from the package `l3kernel` in your configuration file `.explcheckrc`:
``` toml [package.l3kernel] expl3_detection_strategy = "always" ignored_issues = ["w200", "w202", "e208", "e209"] max_line_length = 140 ```
- Add value `"never"` for the command-line option `--expl3-detection-strategy` and the Lua option `expl3_detection_strategy`. (#63)
- Pre-configure all remaining expl3 files from current TeX Live with more than 1 error in https://koppor.github.io/explcheck-issues/. (#32, #57, #62, #63, 4bf5597e, d074dbef)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/expltools
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/support/expltools/
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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