J. Peter M. Schuler submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.5.5 2016-08-15 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016/08/15 v1.5.5 * [udesoftec.cls] fixed cover page to fit new exam regulations * [udesoftec.cls] fixed bug resulting in xpatch errors due to koma update * [udesoftec.cls] added template version to English cover page * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] updated deprecated code for new biblatex
2015/09/28 v1.5.4 (unreleased) * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed references heading wrong label and missing toc entry * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed bbl for @incollection * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] changed bbl to raggedright and set bibhang to 1.5em * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] some bbl spaces are now non-breaking spaces to improve word-wrap * [udesoftec-bst.sty] changed bbl to raggedright and set bibhang to 1.5em * [udesoftec-bst.sty] some bbl spaces are now non-breaking spaces to improve word-wrap
2015/09/04 v1.5.3 (unreleased) * [udesoftec-doc.pdf] corrected package dependencies * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed incompatibility with citemulti from udesoftec-bibcommon * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] fixed incompatibility with citequotepar from udesoftec-bibcommon * [udesoftec-biblatex.sty] defaulting cite to citep for compatibility with udesoftec-bst * [udesoftec.cls] changed quotation style ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/udesoftec
More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/udesoftec
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz
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