Timo Baumann submitted an update to the
Version number: 2.6 License type: gpl
Summary description: “Arts”-style bibliographical information
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BibArts is a package to administer bibliographical references in footnotes, and for creating a bibliography from these references simultaneously; it requires a program, for which source and Windows executable are provided. (A summary of contents is in English; the full documentation is in German.)
Changes from BibArts version 2.5 (2022b) to version 2.6 (now, 2023):
Version 2.6 improves the use of BibArts with BABEL and UTF-8. For this purpose, some commands have been expanded: aoriginalTeX and agermanTeX (for reproducing the catcode of on BibArts' lists), hy and fhy (for printing a hyphen with a kerning), abra and fabra (for editorial additions in adjusted square brackets). BibArts 2.6 is checking whether LaTeX defines `inputencodingname' as `utf8'; if not, [f]hy and [f]abra will not interpret UTF-8 multi-octets. Commands for compatibility with older versions of BibArts are added: otnewhyko and otnewabra are downgrading BibArts 2.6 to the older interpretation of [f]hy and [f]abra commands.
For details, see README.txt.
Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
BibArts 2.6 (18/06/2023): (C) Timo Baumann, Versions 2.x (2015-2023) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts
More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/BibArts
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Ina Dau