----- Forwarded message from Harald Harders ----- I have uploaded the file babelbib.tar.gz to ftp.dante.de. It contains a new version of the babelbib system. Please replace all files in CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/babelbib by its contents. License stays LPPL.
From the README:
This package enables to generate multilingual bibliographies in cooperation with babel. Two approaches are possible: Each citation may be written in another language, or the whole bibliography can be typeset in a language chosen by the user. The current version supports English, German, and Italian. In addition, the package supports commands to change the typography of the bibliographies. Supported bibliography styles are bababbrv.bst, babalpha.bst, babplain.bst, babunsrt.bst, and babamspl.bst.
Please help me to add more languages to babelbib.
This release is totally rewritten. It now supports special commands to change the fonts in bibliographys. A version of the AMS BibTeX style amsplain, called babamspl, is included, now. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/babelbib/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team