Ulrike Fischer submitted an update to the
Version number: 2.9 2018-09-24 License type: gpl2
Summary description: OpenType ‘loader’ for Plain TeX and LaTeX
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This is version 2.9. of the luaotfload package.
On the one side there is not very much new in this version: The native components of Luaotfload are nearly unchanged. A few bugs have been corrected, the various files lists which loads the components of the font loader have been cleaned up.
On the other side there is a lot new:
* The fontloader files imported from context have been updated to the current version. This was necessary to make Luaotfload compatible with the coming luatex 1.08/1.09. Compared to the previous version from february 2017 quite a number of things have changed. Most importantly the handling of arabic fonts has greatly improved. But this also means that changes in the output are possible.
* The update of the fontloader files also required an update of the Lualibs package. This Luaotfload version needs version 2.6 of Lualibs.
* As the current maintainer wasn't available and it was urgent to get a Luaotfload compatible with luatex 1.08/1.09 maintenance has been transferred to Ulrike Fischer and Marcel Krüger. The package is currently maintained and developed at https://github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload (but this will probably change in the near feature). Issues should be reported there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/luatex/generic/luaotfload
More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/luaotfload
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Ina Dau