On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Hendri Adriaens submitted a new version of the
Powerdot is a presentation class for LaTeX that allows for the quick and easy development of professional presentations. It comes with many tools that enhance presentations and aid the presenter.
Summary of features: - portrait and landscape slides; - screen ratio, a4 paper and letter paper; - simple interface for making presentations fast; - DVI, PS or PDF output can be used for viewing; - powerful template system to easily develop new styles; - easy overlays creations; - personal notes; - handout mode; - black slides.
The class currently comes with 6 different styles, but work is being done to add more styles.
Changes for version 1.1:
powerdot v1.1, important: We have switched from `size=10' to `size=10pt'. Don't forget to update your presentation(s) after installing the new class.
Short overview of changes: 1) blackslide options adds hyperlink to slide and section titles 2) Added elcolors, aggie, husky and sailor styles 3) Added tocsecindent and tocslideindent options 4) Added graphical examples of styles to documentation 5) Added LyX layout, description and example 6) Changed size=10 to size=10pt 7) Extended FAQ 8) Fixed some small bugs 9) Improved tycja, ciment and fyma styles 10) Improved section title handling
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf