I've just installed a new version of the UK TeX FAQ as an interactive entity on the web:
and as sources on CTAN:
There are now 396 questions answered in the FAQ, but the total number available is mostly limited by my spare time and energy.
Those with an urge to submit suggestions for questions (preferably with answers) are urged to do so.
Those who find something in the FAQ plain wrong (or merely confusing) are equally urged to do so.
Details of such submissions (including an Email address) are to be found in
(which includes an email address in one of its URLs).
Details of changes made are appended below.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
Changes in version 3.15
These are changes from 3.14, as at the first submission of the new version to the web.
New answers: Label brkinline: line breaking in in-line maths Label errparnum: illegal parameter number error Label etex: describe e-TeX as a thing in its own right Label fllost: LaTeX floats lost error Label formbiblabel: jiffy on formatting numeric labels in bibliography Label gethelp: basic getting help answer Label ltxhash: defining latex commands within other commands Label maillists*: the other (La)TeX mailing lists Label srchpdf: searching PDF files with non-ASCII characters Label tutorials*: replaces tutorial, with a bunch of links to other answers: man-tex: introductory manuals for Plain TeX man-latex: introductory manuals for LaTeX tutbitslatex: tutorials covering small areas of (mostly) latex ref-doc: reference documents typo-style: typographic style Label varwidcol: variable-width columns in tabulars (using varwidth.sty)
Answers removed: Label maillists: replaced by gethelp and maillists* Label NTS: the project is no longer (visibly) active, and e-TeX has entered the mainstream; see above about e-TeX Label tutorials: replaced by tutorials* and its dependents
Revised answers: Label [several]: replace references to label NTS Label atsigns: rewrite for new companion, use example from there Label bold-extras: mention luximono font Label breaklinks: cover toc/lof/lot issues, describe where there's no hope Label eplain: revised with input from new maintainer Label fancyhdr: editorial work Label noans: statement of what happens to questions to new faq mail address Label nohyph: correct definition of hyph (!) Label overfull: clarify emergencystretch, discuss microtype package Label psfchoice: reinstate Lucida with pointer to upcoming sale site Label seccntfmt: mention @ commands Label slidecls: mention powerdot Label TeXsystems: mention TeXlive Mac distribution Label type1T1: editorial work
Presentation: A serious problem with question cross-references in the PDF version has been mended.
The tutorials section has been split into more manageable (and hopefully useful chunks (see above).
The address for proposals for FAQ improvement has changed; the steady stream of requests for help, to the old address, from people who hadn't even read the FAQ, became too much for me.
I have removed my name and address everywhere it appears in the FAQ; this follows the strong perception that I am widely despised on the texhax list, and is done in the hope that these people won't be put off using the FAQ as a result.
Coming up: I have a far more efficient CGI engine for serving answers to the web: its output still needs tuning and more testing is needed before release.
I am investigating mechanisms whereby I can point to the CTAN catalogue from FAQ answers. I feel I can write fuller descriptions of individual packages in the catalogue than I can in the FAQ; moreover, the catalogue has links to on-line documentation, which has always been a problem for FAQ readers.