----- Forwarded message from Barbara Beeton ----- A new version of AMS-TeX has been posted to the AMS server at ftp://ftp.ams.org/tex/amstex This will be mirrored to CTAN into the ../macros/amstex area in due course.
This is AMS-TeX version 2.2. It is mostly a bug fix release, but a few important changes have been made:
- The copyright notice is no longer reported at run time, and there is no longer an explicit request for use of AMS-TeX to be acknowledged. (A footnote Typeset by AMS-TeX that appears at the bottom of the first page of an article can be removed by the command ologo.)
- An explicit subclassyear has been added to facilitate reference to versions of the Mathematics Subject Classification other than the default (1991).
- The definition of folio was simplified to include only the page number, permitting auxiliary packages such as index.tex (from texsis) to be used without conflict.
- Empty elements (addresses, thanks, subjclass, caption) are checked and extraneous footnotes, punctuation, etc., are suppressed as appropriate.
Users of AMS-TeX are advised to consider obtaining this new release. ----- End forwarded message -----
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team