Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the
Version: 1.1.0 2024-08-01 License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Added - New supply sources (web tile servers): - `thunderforest atlas` - `topplusopen web light` - `topplusopen web light grau` - Needed LaTeX version 2023-11-01 - Point definitions on an orthodrome: - Command `mrcNPfromOrthoFraction` - Command `mrcNPfromOrthoFractionNamed` - Command `mrcNPfromOrthoDistance` - Command `mrcNPfromOrthoDistanceNamed` - Animation support: - Environment `mrcAnimation` - Command `mrcTimewarpIdentity` - Command `mrcTimewarpSlowStart` - Command `mrcTimewarpSlowFinal` - Command `mrcTimewarpSlowStartFinal` - Command `mrcAnimFrame` - Command `l_mermap_anim_frame_int` - Command `mrcAnimTime` - Command `l_mermap_anim_time_fp` - Command `mrcAnimScaleDenom` - Command `l_mermap_anim_scaledenom_fp` - Command `mrcAnimLatitude` - Command `l_mermap_anim_lat_fp` - Command `mrcAnimLongitude` - Command `l_mermap_anim_lon_fp` - Option `start-position` - Option `named-start-position` - Option `final-position` - Option `named-final-position` - Option `position` - Option `named-position` - Option `frames` - Option `drop-first-frame` - Option `drop-last-frame` - Option `drop-no-frame` - Option `scale-denominators` - Option `common-scale-denominator` - Option `timewarp` - Option `timewarp-identity` - Option `timewarp-slow-start` - Option `timewarp-slow-final` - Option `timewarp-slow-start-final`
### Changed - Version history moved from documentation Chapter 11 to this changelog - Versioning changed to [Semantic Versioning]( starting with 1.1.0 - `README` changed to `` - Key names start with `mermap` instead of `/mermap` now - All common scratch variables like `l_tmpa_tl` replaced by package variables - Orthodrome code - Several code further revisions
### Deprecated - Stamen Design has discontinued to server map tiles since 2023-07-31. Therefore, all `supply/source` options based on Stamen Design are deprecated now, namely - `stamen terrain` - `stamen terrain-background` - `stamen terrain-labels` - `stamen terrain-lines` - `stamen toner` - `stamen toner-lite` - `stamen toner-hybrid` - `stamen toner-background` - `stamen toner-labels` - `stamen toner-lines` - `stamen watercolor` All these options are now not documented any more, but for some time are still available for old documents with cached map tiles.
### Removed - Requirement for packages `expl3`, `xparse`, and `pdftexcmds`
### Fixed - Links to the WMS maps of Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie changed - Overwrite warning while generating `maptiles.texpy` - Orthodrome drawing with identical starting and final point is now silently ignored
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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