This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: Asymptote Version number: 2.03 Author's name: John Bowman Summary description: 2D & 3D TeX-Aware Vector Graphics Language License type: lgpl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An optional asydir parameter that allows asy files to be generated in a subdirectory was added to version 1.18 of asymptote.sty; XeLaTeX support was fixed. Nonrendered preview images via render=0 are now implemented. Blank 3D labels were fixed. Problems with arc directions and ellipses in the geometry module were fixed. The definition of the Dotted linetype was improved. Missing pen and margin parameters were added to the flowchart blockconnector function calls. Virtual methods were optimized. Makefile dependencies were fixed and autogenerated files are cleaned up. The dependence of the source tarball on perl was removed. Minor improvements were made to the documentation and man page. The Asymptote installation directory is now automatically added to the MSWindows path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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