----- Forwarded message from Walter Schmidt ----- I have uploaded the file emtexfix8.zip to the /incoming directory at ftp://dante.ctan.org. Please, unpack it in the CTAN directory
systems/os2/emtex-contrib/emtexTDS .
Doing so will replace the present files
readme.eng readme.ger README.fixes
and create a new subdirectory
fix008 .
(Please, do not specify the option -a for unzip; text files have already Unix line endings.)
Please, remove the existing subdirectories fix004, fix005, fix006 and fix007; they are obsolete now.
This is FixPak 8 for emTeX/TDS; see the file README.fixes for an overview. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed the update in CTAN:/tex-archive/systems/os2/emtex-contrib/emtexTDS as suggested and removed the old fix00? directories.