Lars Madsen submitted an update to the
Version number: 3.7i 2019-11-15 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
From the README:
o memoir v3.7i
-- indexes now uses protection when being moved from the aux to the idx file(s)
-- changed loading ifpdf, ifetex, ifxetex and ifluatex to just loading the new iftex package. Suggested by The LaTeX Support Team.
-- new feature for createmark: the <show> variable now accepts: nonumber, shownumber and notitle (implies shownumber). The latter enables chapter headers to be just of the form Chapter <number>
-- By request, added a7paper and b7paper options (plus stockavii, stockbvii, pageavii and pagebvii)
-- changed the header construction for tableofcontents and friends. The anchor that hyperref will use for TOC, LOF etc entries in the TOC will now point above the header not below it.
-- changed a few things in subbottom, which hopefully fixes an issue with hypcap, (and
-- the handling of absindent, absparsep is now correctly described in the manual (any changes of these of use of them has to be delayed to the start of the document via AtBeginDocument)
-- Updated the patched InputIfFileExists to match the one used in the 2019/10/01 format (if using that format, we use the old version)
-- Updated the embedded copy of the booktabs package, bringing it in ling with booktabs v1.6180339.
-- Changed the warning emitted at the start of loading the caption package. Apparently users got spooked by it. The caption package works just fine with with memoir, the warning is just there to remind users that once the caption package is loaded, all caption related configurations should go through the caption package interface, not through the class interface.
-- Fixed a bug in lofmark and lotmark when using the oneside option. The default headings style uses markright for all marks under oneside, but due to an ordering mistake, lofmark and lotmark would still be using markboth unless you explicitly issued pagestyle{headings} in the preamble. This is now fixed.
-- fixed bug in ewfootnoteseries, the included footnote type did not support more than one paragraph. Is now long.
-- fixed bug in pagenote[...]{...}. Under hyperref pagenote{.}pagenote[.]{.}{pagenote{.} did not add a separator as expected. It does now.
o memhfixc v1.18
-- added a par to contcaption to get rid of a sporadic space coming from efstepcounter under hyperref
-- additionally added a patch when hypcap is loaded, now using contcaption is no longer an error (hypcap looks to see if caption has been used)
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz
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