On Mon, 7 Jun 2010, Staszek Wawrykiewicz submitted an update to the
iwona and kurier
Package: Iwona fonts Version: 0.995 (June 2010) Authors: Janusz M. Nowacki License: GUST Font Nosource License Location on CTAN: fonts/iwona
Package: Kurier fonts Version: 0.995 (June 2010) Authors: Janusz M. Nowacki License: GUST Font Nosource License Location on CTAN: fonts/kurier
Recent changes in both packages: -- changed the names of small caps characters A.small --> a.sc B.small --> b.sc C.small --> c.sc etc.; -- added previously missing characters: Aogonekacute, Ddotbelow, Dlinebelow, E.reversed, Eogonekacute, Germandbls, Hbrevebelow, Hdotbelow, Htilde, Iogonekacute, Jacute, Ldot, Oogonek, Oogonekacute, Rdotaccent, Sdotbelow, Tcedilla, Tdotbelow, Tlinebelow, Ttilde, Zdotbelow, ain, angleleft, angleright, aogonekacute, bigcircle, brevebelow, cent.oldstyle, centigrade, copyleft, ddotbelow, dieresis.alt, dlinebelow, dmacron, e.reversed, ell, eogonekacute, hamza, hbrevebelow, hdotbelow, htilde, hyphen.alt, hyphen.prop, hyphendbl, hyphendbl.alt, i.TRK, imacron.alt, iogonekacute, jacute, ldot, linebelow, macron.alt, nomero, oogonek, oogonekacute, permyriad, perthousandzero, rdotaccent, sdotbelow, servicemark, tcedilla, tdotbelow, tlinebelow, ttilde, zdotbelow -- added proportional digits (xxx.prop), as well as oldstyle proportional digits (xxx.oldstyle);
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf