Josef Kleber submitted an update to the
Summary description: Typesetting logic puzzles License type: lppl
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The logicpuzzle bundle allows you to typeset various logic puzzles. At the moment the following puzzles are supported:
* 2D-Sudoku (aka Magiequadrat, Diagon, ...) * Battleship (aka Bimaru, Marinespiel, Batalla Naval, ...) * Bokkusu (aka Kakurasu, Feldersummenrätsel, ...) * Bridges (aka Brückenbau, Hashi, ...) * Chaos Sudoku * Hakyuu (aka Seismic, Ripple Effect, ...) * Hitori * Kakuro * Kendoku (aka Mathdoku, Calcudoku, Basic, MiniPlu, Ken Ken, Square Wisdom, Sukendo, Caldoku, ...) * Killer Sudoku (aka Samunapure, Sum Number Place, Sumdoku, Gebietssummen, ...) * Laser Beam (aka Laserstrahl, ...) * Minesweeper (aka Minensuche, ...) * Schatzsuche * Skyline (aka Skycrapers, Wolkenkratzer, Hochhäuser, ...) incl. Skyline Sudoku and Skyline Sudoku (N*N) variants * Slitherlink (aka Fences, Number Line, Dotty Dilemma, Sli-Lin, Takegaki, Great Wall of China, Loop the Loop, Rundweg, Gartenzaun, ...) * Star Battle (aka Sternenschlacht, ...) * Stars and Arrows (aka Sternenhimmel, ...) * Sudoku * Sun and Moon (aka Sternenhaufen, Munraito, ...) * Tents and Trees (aka Zeltlager, Zeltplatz, Camping, ...) * Tunnel
License: LPPL
Changes in v2.2:
- added support for Bridges puzzle
- added support for Sun and Moon puzzle
- added support for Star Battle puzzle
- added support for Stars and Arrows puzzle
This package is located at . More information is at (if the package is new it may take a day for that information to appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group . Please join a users group; see .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf