our upload daemon rumbled, and quoth:
A submission was uploaded to /anfs/ctan-inc/upload-20020514.001/.
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: piechartMP Name and email: Jens-Uwe Morawski <...> Suggested location on CTAN: graphics/metapost/macros/piechartmp/ Summary description: Drawing 2D/3D pie-charts with MetaPost License type: LaTeX Project
Announcement text:
The package piechartMP enables even users with not much Metapost experience to draw their pie-charts with MetaPost. It supports basic 2D pie-charts as well pie-charts in 3D projection. The chief purpose for the piechartMP developmentwas the support for presentations. The user can make segments invisible or hide a segment completely, in order to draw multiple different charts from one data-set.
i have installed this contribution as suggested. thanks for the upload (and for your tolerance of ctan internal processes ;-)
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team