This package has been updated on CTAN.
Thanks for the upload, Jim Hefferon
========================================================== Announcement text provided by the package author:
The cm-lgc font package contains a set of Type 1 fonts, converted from the METAFONT sources, which covers 3 European alphabets (LGC stands for Latin, Greek, Cyrillic) and the corresponding TeX font encodings. It also includes Unicode virtual fonts which may be used with Omega/Lambda.
Unlike other Type 1 font packages based on original METAFONT files, CM-LGC doesn't tend to cover all the fonts available in the METAFONT format. In particular, each font family and shape is represented with a single file which is used in all point sizes. This allows to keep the whole package compact but still enough powerful and sufficient for regular work.
Another goal of the CM-LGC font package is to provide a set of 8-bit fonts suitable for use outside of TeX. That's why all the PFB files it includes contain meaningful PostScript names (e.g. CMRoman Bold Italic) and have standard encoding vectors (e. g. AdobeStandard for Latin fonts), while virtual fonts are used to combine glyphs present in those PFB files into TeX-specific codepages.
The latest package release (v. 0.3) contains some important improvements and bug fixes, which hopefully make the whole package really stable. This version also includes INF files, so that installing the fonts under MS Windows becomes really easy. ===============================================================
You can visit the package (so it doesn't get lonely) at