----- Forwarded message from Walter Schmidt ----- I have uploaded the archive file epmtfe.zip to the /incoming directory at dante.ctan.org. Please, unpack the uploaded ZIP file in the CTAN directory:
(Please, do not unpack the enclosed archives.)
This is version 4.2 of the EPM TeX Front End, a module for the OS/2 Enhanced Editor EPM. It turns the EPM into an integrated TeX environment, providing (La)TeXing, previewing and executing of auxiliary programs from the editor menu. Two flavors of the TeX Front End are provided:
* classic: for use with any TeX system, including emTeX and VTeX/2
* VTeX: for use with VTeX/2 _only_, making the use of this system particularly convenient
Each variant is available with English or German user interface.
Changes over the previous version 4.0 are listed in the file NEWS. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the previous version in CTAN:systems/os2/epmtfe
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team