Peter Wilson writes:
I have uploaded memoir.tar.gz to UK/incoming. Please use this to replace
the current contents of macros/latex/contrib/supported/memoir. Also, delete memfixa.sty from that directory (it has also been sitting in /incoming for some time now).
my desk is untidy, too.
From the README: Memoir is a configurable class for typesetting general fiction, non-fiction and mathematics. It encompasses the standard book and report classes and can simulate the article class, as well as double-spaced typewritten manuscripts.
It provides a variety of predefined page, chapter and caption styles
together with easy means of creating new ones. There is a reasonably intuitive way of specifying page margins, etc., with an option for printing trimming marks. Documents can use 9, 10, 11, 12 or 14pt as the normal font size.
Changes in version 1.1 (2002/03/28) o Incorporated all fixes from memfixa.sty that applied to version 1.0 o Removed memfixa.sty o Minor change to *.clo files o Native support for subfigures o Fixed incompatibility with the natbib package o Additional facilities for verse typesetting o Experimental marginpar-like extensions o New edition of the user manual
i've installed (and deleted) files as requested. thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team