On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, Jean-Pierre Drucbert uploaded version 40 of his package
Location on CTAN : macros/latex/contrib/minitoc/ Licence: LPPL
minitoc.sty is useful to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs) at the beginning of every chapter. They are also minilofs and minilots. At the part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does not use chapters, they are section level secttocs, sectlofs and sectlots.
updates versus version 39: ======================================================================= Version #40 Added the japanese language (japanese.mld) Added the castillan language (castillan.mld) Removed the test on the presence of the multicol package in minitoc.tex, because multicol is a required package. Added a figure in minitoc.tex about the need of 3 compilations. Added some infos in minitoc.bug. Added a paragraph about problem with the appendix package. Updated minitoc.bib Added the hints option. This option is still experimental; you advice is welcome. Added fminitoc.pdf (french documentation in PDF format). =======================================================================
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf