Jürgen Spitzmüller submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.50 2020-10-09 License type: mit lppl1.3 cc0
Summary description: An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
New features:
* Polyglossia now uses the Harfbuzz renderer by default with LuaTeX output. This brings LuaTeX on par with XeTeX for all scripts (#337). The renderer can be changed via the new global luatexrenderer option. * The (previously inadvertently working) hyphenrules environment that ceased to work after a recent babel update is back and now officially supported. The environment now also supports language options and aliases (#427). * New command setlanghyphenmins to adapt hyphenation thresholds of languages and varieties. * New command abjadalph for Arabic with corresponding option (#431). * Replace consecutive glues around punctuation by the correct amount of space with LuaLaTeX for French, ecclesiastic Latin, and Sanskrit (#437).
Bug fixes:
* Remove warning about missing Brazil patterns (#404). * Fix incompatibility with recent babel release (#408). * Fixed some spellings in Marathi (#409). * Fix spacing of geminating dot in Catalan (#410). * Fix incompatibility of Marathi with Beamer. * Correct partname in Hindi (#416). * Updates and improvements to Kurdish (#418). * Only activate shorthand character if babelshorthands is true (#421). * Fix whitespace issue in Czech and Slovak with vlna=true (#423). * Fix whitespace issue in Danish (#424). * Fix catcode conflicts that might occur in language definition files f. ex. when loaded from a LaTeX3 class (#67, #425). * Robustify font family switches (#428). * Fix whitespace issue in Russian indentfirst option (#433). * In Russian, indentfirst is now again default (#434). * Fix LaTeX error with arabic numbering in Ukrainian (#440). * Fix directionality after Hebrew decimal numbers (#441). * Fix babelname of Latin Serbian (#442). * Fix recording of secondary languages in xpg@bloaded and xpg@bcp@loaded lists (#443). * Simplify and robustify section heading modification in Russian and introduce option forceheadingpunctuation (#444). * Fix Cyrillic dash (via babelshorthand ---) when TeX ligatures are disabled (#445) * Fix problem with large character indices in Lua module for punctuation spacing
Interface and defaults changes:
* Polyglossia now uses the Harfbuzz renderer by default with LuaTeX output. See new features section.
Build fixes:
* Fix a bug in the dtx build script which was the reason for an utterly incomplete polyglossia.dtx file (#420).
Documentation improvements: * Document how to change lefthyphenmin and ighthyphenmin for a language (#435).
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/unicodetex/latex/polyglossia
More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/polyglossia
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz
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