----- Forwarded message from Heiko Oberdiek ----- I have uploaded acroread_new.zip in the /incoming directory of ftp.dante.de. Please unzip, it contains the new perl script acroread_new.pl. Suggested CTAN directory: CTAN:support/acroread_new/
The licence is LPPL 1.2.
Function: If acroread is started again, it will use a previously started instance. Exiting acroread will close all windows that belongs to that instance. This script runs acroread with a changed name, so several instances of acroread can be started independently from each other.
Documentation available as help screen: acroread_new --help ----- End forwarded message -----
THansk for the upload. I installed the new version as suggested in CTAN:/tex-archive/support/acroread_new/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team