On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Volker Kiefel submitted a new version of the
Location on CTAN: support/references License: gpl
REFERENCES is bibliographic software for authors of scientific manuscripts and for management of bibliographic data of ARTICLES IN JOURNALS, of BOOKS, of CHAPTERS IN BOOKS and other document types including notes and electronic documents. REFERENCES supports LaTeX including BibTeX. Bibliographic records in MEDLINE format are easily imported. Retrieval of references is possible by keywords, authors' or editors' names, date of publication, title of article, book title, journal name and other data fields. Lists of references can be compiled in any bibliographic style required by the publishers of scientific journals. At present, REFERENCES is provided with a text based console interface compiled for win32-systems, an external text editor is required for editing data.
New in References version 4.2:
New field IDNR (``identification numbers'') will contain DOI, url and other identification numbers as the PubMed identification numbers. These numbers can be addressed by bibliographic/macro format definitions and they can be searched from search commands.
Width of the field for the journal code has been enlarged from 4 to 10 characters. Changes in the structure of the table for format definitions: field width changed from 14 to 24 characters
AWK-scripts for text manipulation (accessible through the [edit-main-p] option) are debugged and rewritten so that the output file name can be selected. Scripts are now more `portable', they do no longer depend upon gawk, but may now also be used with awk (Kernighan) or mawk. Kernighan's awk is now included instead of gawk.
The function for selection of files by the user now asks for initial characters. New command [edit-main-h] calls PDF viewer with the References documentation (refsdok.pdf).
Change in user interface: if the variable OPEN_EDITOR_YN is set to `1' (default) in the configuration file, References prompts the user to open a previously created/changed text file with the message:
open editor with ``name-of-text-file''? [y/n]
This makes the References user interface more comfortable. You may turn off this behaviour by setting `OPEN_EDITOR_YN=0' in refs.cfg, then References will work like v4.1j and earlier.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf