Below is an upload from Will Robertson that I somehow contrived to misplace. He prompted me, and on reading it, I want to consult before I reply.
He is perhaps a bit vague, but I think he is proposing m/l/c/journals/pracjourn . I think he is volunteering to find in our holdings other journal classes, and then we can move them.
I can think of a number of reasons to resist that (sounds like work; authors and others have links to the present locations on web pages; some packages are multi-usage, etc.). But OTOH he is an enthusiastic fellow who perhaps could be encouraged and someday induced to do some of my work.
you mean, running mathematics at smc? ;-)
I'm inclinded to at least install this package under journals/ and caution him, but I thought I should ask wiser heads.
i see no particular reason not to install his thing under journals. but, given that our long-term aim is metadata-based access, rather than path-based, moving other packages about has no real benefit, except possibly in the short term, and has the various negative effects that you suggest.
so i would politely decline.
i just happened to notice a paper of robertson's on the pracjourn pages, at lunch-time; he was saying how he found himself hooked on tex, which i think is a bad sign. as a whole, i find pracjourn stuff sort-of-faintly-interesting, but seldom enough to warrant a link from the faq (which is why i scan it anyway). [i've not read your contribution from a while back.]