This should be at your local mirror within a day.
Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: tikz-timing Version number: v0.7 Author's name: Martin Scharrer Location on CTAN: /(existing one) Summary description: Update to v0.7 License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes: * New libraries: clockarrows: Library for clock arrows. columntype: Library providing a timing column type for tabular. nicetabs: Library to format tikztimingtable like a booktab tabular. counters: Library to defined counter characters which display an incrementing counter: value every time there are used. advnodes: Library for advanced nodes with multiple anchor points. ifsym: Library providing the same timing symbols and characters as the ifsym package when loaded with the electronic option. * Additional experimental libraries: interval: Library to change color of 'ZL', 'ZH' etc. transitions to indicate borders of an interval. beamer: Library providing some marginal beamer overlay support. * 'overlays' library: + Overlays can now be cascaded, i.e. an overlay can be inside another one. + The second braces around the second part are now optional. + Fixed issues with 'T' and 'C' characters inside overlays. * Meta-characters can now have arguments. * Added more variety for in-line options: '[[ ]]', '[+ +]' and '[| |]'. * Handling of in-line options and nodes got modified. Options are now placed directly where placed and are valid until the next ';'. Please note that [/utils/exec={..}] now needs to be written as [|/utils/exec={..}|]. Otherwise it is re-executed every time the drawing path is renewed. * Added star version of ablegrid. * Added background to 'E' character ('either' library). * Some fixes for placing of 'D{}' texts. * Fixed wrong slopes (e.g. lslope instead of zslope) for some transitions. * Major changes on internal character definition macros, parser and output routine. * Fixed problems with expanding code content in user input. * The exttiming macro now uses a iming macro internally. * The iming macro is now only defined inside tikzpictures. This includes tikztimingtable. * Added TikZ style timing/draw grid for grids behind iming macros. * Replaced macros exttimingbefore, exttimingafter and exttiminggrid with TikZ settings 'timing/before text', 'timing/after text' and 'timing/draw grid'. * Added separators 'timing/outer sep' around exttiming. * Graphical improvements for 'double line' characters like 'D', 'U' and 'E'. The whole character including both edges is drawn in a single process. * Character width can now be scaled using wscale. * Character width can now be calculated by placing code inside '$ $'. * Fixed issue with horlines macro. * The 'tikztimingtable' environment and associated macros got enhanced: + The content is no longer read as macro argument and can now include paragraphs. + Multiple extracode sections can be now included between rows, not only a single section at the very end. + A 'extracode' environment has been added. Both macro and environment have now an optional argument for TikZ settings. + Added ableheader macro to label both columns. The ablerules macro got adjusted to detect the header line and draw also a middle line. + Added {background} environment to draw things in the background. + Fixed broken optional argument of ablegrid. + Added macro marknodes and associated debug/nodes style to mark in-line nodes for debug purposes/orientation during the diagram creation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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