Jean-Pierre Drucbert wrote:
I have uploaded a new version (#49) of the minitoc package in the /incoming directory of . The file is named (5987374 bytes)
This package should completely replace its previous version in
The licence is LPPL.
This package allows the creation of mini-tables of contents, lists of figures or lists of tables per part, chapter or section, with language dependent titles.
This new version has the following changes or improvements:
Minitoc version #49 -- Added point 47 in the FAQ and example file mtc-tlo.tex (interaction between the minitoc and tocloft packages about page numbers in the mini-tables). -- Updated the bibliography. -- Corrections in the bibliography and the bibliographic styles. -- Better error messages about undefined preparation and insertion commands. -- Added ``+'' and ``-'' as synonyms for ``on'' and ``off'', respectively. -- Added a table of some encodings. -- Suppressed the ``Summary'' entry in the summary, but added it in the Table of Contents. -- Added the japanese6.mld and japanese6.mlo files. -- Added (in the memento) a table of the classes and packages which are incompatible or need precautions with minitoc. -- Added a hint about the hangcaption package (it must be loaded BEFORE minitoc). -- Completed the list of the standard classes. -- Added a validation of the language options with the presence of the .mld and .mlo files. -- Added notes about the mandatory presence of the english.mld file. -- Fixed many typos and made some cosmetic corrections. _______________________________________________________________________
The administravive trivia are in the `catalog' file in the distribution.
Note that the documentation is mainly available in PDF form, -- in english (not perfect): minitoc.pdf -- in french: fminitoc.pdf
The INSTALL file (and, better, the ``Installation'' chapter in the documentation) describes the files of this package (the list of files is in minitoc.l).
i have installed the file and am updating the catalogue.
interested users may browse or download the package via the catalogue entry:
thanks, jean-pierre, for the update.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team