This should within a day be at your local mirror.
Thanks Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: pagesLTS Version number: 1.1b Author's name: Hans-Martin Münch Summary description: Puts the labels LastPage (AtEndDocument) and VeryLastPage (AfterLastShipout) into the .aux file, allowing the user to refer to the (very) last page of a document..number of pages in the current page numbering scheme. hepage and heCurrentPageLocal are different e. g. when addtocounter{pageg}{...} or setcounter{page}{...} were used. At the first page of the document a label pagesLTS.0 is created. This label can be referred to, too. Further labels are provided for special cases. The alphalph package is supported, i. e. page numbers alph or Alph > 26 and fnyambol > 9 can be used (with according options set). Even zero and negative page numbers can be used with ara License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This package puts the labels LastPage (AtEndDocument) and VeryLastPage (AfterLastShipout) into the .aux file, allowing the user to refer to the (very) last page of a document. This might be particularly useful in places like headers or footers. When more than one page numbering scheme is used, these references do not give the total number of pages. For this case the label LastPages is introduced. Additionally, at the last page of each page numbering scheme a label pagesLTS.<numbering scheme> is placed, where <numbering scheme> is e. g. arabic, roman, Roman, alph, or Alph. For fnsymbol please use lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} instead of pageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol}. When the same numbering scheme is used twice, the page numbers are either reset to one or continued automatically, depending on the option given when the package is called. The command heCurrentPage prints the current total/absolute page number - in contrast to hepage, which gives only the page name in the current page numbering scheme. heCurrentPageLocal gives the current number of pages in the current page numbering scheme. hepage and heCurrentPageLocal are different e. g. when addtocounter{pageg}{...} or setcounter{page}{...} were used. At the first page of the document a label pagesLTS.0 is created. This label can be referred to, too. Further labels are provided for special cases. The alphalph package is supported, i. e. page numbers alph or Alph > 26 and fnyambol > 9 can be used (with according options set). Even zero and negative page numbers can be used with arabic, alph, Alph, roman, Roman, and fnsymbol page numbering (with alphalph package and according options). ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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