On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 Emanuele Zannarini submitted:
Name of contribution: l2tabuit Name and email: Emanuele Zannarini ezannarini@libero.it Suggested location on CTAN: info/l2tabu/italian Summary description: Italian translation of l2tabu version 1.7 License type: dfsg
Announcement text:
I have uploaded an updated version of `l2tabuit.zip' to ftp.dante.de. Zip Archive I've provided contains 2 files: the pdf version of the document and its LaTeX source.
This is my italian translation of the Mark Trettin's practical overview to LaTeX, called `l2tabu' v. 1.7. The guide gives a large number of practical hints about avoidance of the most common mistakes a user can make (for instance: obsolete commands and packages, etc.).
License type: OPL.
Thanks for the update, I installed the files in
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf