This package has been updated at and should soon be through the mirroring system.
Thanks, Jim Hefferon Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: biblatex-dw Author's name: Dominik Waßenhoven Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/exptl/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-dw/ Summary description: Humanities styles for biblatex License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.2f - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8c. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8c is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2f! -> The biblatex-dw option 'idem' was replaced by the new biblatex option 'idemtracker'. The standard setting is 'idemtracker=constrict'. If you would like to switch off the idem functionality, you can use 'idemtracker=false'. For more information on the 'idemtracker' option see the biblatex manual. - New options 'doi', 'eprint', 'isbn' and 'issn' which can take the values 'true' and 'false'. With these options you can decide whether you want to have printed the corresponding fields or not. The default for these options is 'false' (as was the standard before). - New option 'idemfont' which can take the values 'smallcaps', 'italic', 'bold' and 'normal'. The default is none which means that the 'idem' string is printed in the font shape of 'namefont'. - New option 'ibidemfont' which can take the values 'smallcaps', 'italic' and 'bold'. The default is none which means that the 'ibidem' string is printed in normal font shape. - New macro 'jourvolstring' which introduces the volume of an article entry. The default is a space (as it was the case before), but you can adjust it to your needs, e.g.:
enewcommand*{jourvolstring}{addspace voladddotspace} - New macro 'journumstring' which introduces the number in article entries, if the option 'journumafteryear' is set to 'true'. The default for this macro is a comma, followed by the bibstring 'number' and a non-breakable space. You can redefine it to your needs, e.g.:
enewcommand*{journumstring}{addspace} - If there is no volume in an article entry, but the month field is set, the date is separated from the journal title by a comma and a space, not only a space. - Fixed some BUGS concerning the xref functionality. - Reorganized some bibliography drivers. - Enhanced the documentation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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