Dr Nicola L C Talbot wrote:
glossaries v1.13 :
Fixed bug in long4colheaderborder that puts an extra row at the end of the glossary.
Fixed bug in glstext etc that ignored 3rd argument.
Removed only preamble restriction on
ewglossaryentry and
Added glspluralsuffix.
Changed firstplural default so that it takes its value from the plural key if the first key is omitted.
Added acrshortpl, Acrshortpl, ACRshortpl, acrlongpl, Acrlongpl, ACRlongpl, acrfullpl, Acrfullpl, ACRfullpl.
Fixed bugs in Acrshort etc.
Add package options smaller and shortcuts.
Acronym default plural forms now implemented for the additional acronym styles.
Fixed makeglossaries to allow filenames with spaces.
Fixed error in documentation describing glsaddall
- optional argument should be a key=value list.
Added Polish support.
If babel is loaded and translator package is found on TeX's path, then the translator package will now be automatically loaded.
mfirstuc v1.01:
- Added xmakefirstuc (expands argument before applying makefirstuc)
i have installed the new version and updated the catalogue entry. thanks for the upload.
users may view the catalogue entry at http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/glossaries.html or browse the archive directory at http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/
a .tds.zip file is available.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team