Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the
Version: 2.00 2020-06-19 License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* (#31) Template 'database sideways' raised errors when used in combination with 'family database'.
* Implementation of 'genealogytree' slightly changed.
* (#34) New options for influencing the autolayout algorithm to avoid overlapping edges for childless families: 'insert for childless families', 'insert phantom for childless families', 'insert for childless families level limit'.
* New algorithm for automatic ancestor completion. This autofill is controlled by the new options 'autofill parents unspecific', 'autofill parents unspecific*', 'autofill parents male female', 'autofill parents male female*', 'autofill parents female male', 'autofill parents female male*', 'autofill parents none', 'complemented', 'complemented phantom'.
* New option 'ignore parent childs' to remove all siblings in an ancestor tree.
* New data base keys for holding relation information: 'relation', 'ancestor', 'descendant', 'sibling', 'unrelated'.
* New data base key for holding age information and accompanying options and macros: 'age', 'age code', 'gtrPrintAge, 'gtrifagedefined', 'gtrDBage'.
* Conversion with MuPDF added and externalization rewritten for MuPDF.
* New auxiliary tools for graph (picture) sizing 'gtrautosizebox', 'gtrautosizebox*', 'autosizetikzpicture', 'autosizetikzpicture*'.
* Graph example file example.neumann.graph added.
* (#31) New library 'fanchart' to draw fan chart diagrams with a plethora of macros and options: 'gtrfanchart', 'gtrfanchartinput', 'fanchart radii', 'fanchart inner offset', 'fanchart outer offset', 'fanchart minor angle', 'fanchart major angle', 'fanchart angles', 'fanchart open full', 'fanchart open up', 'fanchart open down', 'fanchart open left', 'fanchart open right', 'fanchart open for', 'fanchart reset bounds', 'fanchart bounds border', 'fanchart landscape from level', 'fanchart text portrait', 'fanchart text landscape', 'fanchart boundary color', 'fanchart boundary width', 'fanchart root style', 'fanchart root malefemale', 'fanchart segment style', 'fanchart segment malefemale', 'fanchart segment relation', 'fanchart segment wave', 'fanchart segment colorwheel', 'fanchart segment radial', 'fanchart marker style', 'fanchart marker malefemale', 'fanchart marker relation', 'fanchart marker wave', 'fanchart marker colorwheel', 'fanchart marker radial', '/tikz/gtr set color wave', '/tikz/gtr set color colorwheel', '/tikz/gtr set color series', 'fanchart complemented segment style', 'fanchart complemented marker style', 'fanchart segment style for levels', 'fanchart marker style for levels', 'fanchart segment style for ids', 'fanchart marker style for ids', 'fanchart male style', 'fanchart female style', 'fanchart neuter style', 'fanchart ancestor style', 'fanchart descendant style', 'fanchart sibling style', 'fanchart unrelated style'. - Templates with 'fanchart template': 'malefemale sober', 'malefemale relation', 'colorwheel sober', 'colorwheel serious', 'colorwheel malefemale', 'colorwheel rich', 'colorwheel opulent', 'wave sober', 'wave serious', 'wave malefemale', 'wave rich', 'wave opulent', 'radial sober', 'radial serious', 'radial malefemale', 'radial rich', 'radial opulent'. - Advanced customization: 'gtrcomplemented', 'fanchart-segment-definition', 'fanchart-marker-definition', 'fanchart-segment-code', 'fanchart-root-code', 'l_getree_fanchart_minor_angle_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_major_angle_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_angle_a_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_angle_b_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_radius_a_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_radius_b_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_offset_a_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_offset_b_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_line_width_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_level_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_ratio_tl', 'l_getree_fanchart_id_tl', 'c_getree_fanchart_maximum_rings_tl', 'getree_fanchart_if_complemented_node_p:', 'getree_fanchart_if_complemented_node:TF', 'getree_fanchart_set_segment_style:n', 'getree_fanchart_set_marker_style:n', 'getree_fanchart_set_color_wave:n', 'getree_fanchart_set_color_colorwheel:n', 'getree_fanchart_draw_path:n', 'getree_fanchart_draw_path:nnn', 'getree_fanchart_draw_root_style:n', 'getree_fanchart_draw_segment_standard:'.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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