Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the
Version number: 3.30 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- bug fix: compilation errors using colors like 'red!10' in some skins like 'beamer'
- ' hetcbcounter' can now be used as part of a 'listing file' name for 'tcblisting'
- implementation of 'before skip' and 'after skip' improved
- implementation of 'equal height group' improved to take arbitrary id's
- Quick Reference added
- new options: 'add to width', 'add to height', 'box align', 'left skip', 'right skip', 'leftright skip'
- library 'skins': * new macros: ' cbincludegraphics', ' cbincludepdf' * new options: 'graphics options', 'graphics directory', 'graphics pages'
- library 'listings', 'listingsut8', 'minted': * 'listing file' now usable inside 'tcblisting' and 'tcbinputlisting' * new options: 'comment only', 'text above* listing', 'listing above* text', 'comment above* listing', 'listing above* comment', 'comment style', 'tcbimage comment', 'pdf extension', 'pdf comment', 'process code', 'no process', 'run system command', 'run pdflatex', 'run xelatex', 'run lualatex', 'run makeindex', 'run bibtex', 'run biber', 'run arara', 'run latex', 'run dvips', 'run ps2pdf', 'compilable listing'
- new library 'raster': * new macros and environments: 'tcbraster', 'tcbitemize', 'tcbitem' * new options: 'raster columns', 'raster rows', 'raster width', 'raster height', 'raster before skip', 'raster after skip', 'raster left skip', 'raster right skip', 'raster column skip', 'raster row skip', 'raster halign', 'raster valign', 'raster equal height', 'raster equal height group', 'raster force size', 'raster reset', 'raster odd column', 'raster even column', 'raster column n', 'raster odd row', 'raster even row', 'raster row m', 'raster odd number', 'raster even number', 'raster row m column n', 'raster number n'
This package is located at
More information is at
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra RĂ¼be-Pugliese