On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Till Tantau submitted version 2.10 of his beamer package, to be installed in
Change Log:
Version 2.10
- Fixed some spacing problems in uncover and invisible, itemize and pause.
- Moved head/footline calculation after beginning of document. This fixes all sorts of problems.
- Added utf8 encoding support.
- Added a (HA-)Prosper emulation layer.
- Added a seminar emulation layer.
- Added third level of itemize/enumerate nesting (I don't like it, but some people do).
- Added the onslide command for use outside overprint environments. It generalises pause in a simple, easy-to-use way.
- Added incremental overlay specifications (very useful).
- Added beamer.el emacs plug-in, contributed by Thomas Baumann.
- Fixed problem that caused empty columns to disappear.
ef will now create hyperjumps.
- Switched to amsthm for theorems. Theorems now accept optional arguments (amsthm like).
- Added
ewtheorem support.
Thanks for the update, I installed the package.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf