----- Forwarded message from Joris van der Hoeven ----- I just uploaded the new GNU TeXmacs distribution in
The new distribution contains the files
TeXmacs- TeXmacs- TeXmacs- TeXmacs-
The files should be put into the directory systems/unix/TeXmacs All existing files in this directory become obsolete, except for the file .message.
----------------------------------------------------------- Joris van der Hoeven vdhoeven@texmacs.org http://www.texmacs.org: GNU TeXmacs scientific text editor http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~vdhoeven: personal homepage ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the submission. I installed it as suggested in CTAN:/tex-archive/systems/unix/TeXmacs/ replacing the old version.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team