On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, Till Tantau submitted new versions to CTAN:
version 3.01 of beamer and version 0.65 of pgf
Thanks for the update.
Release notes:
These versions are mainly bugfix versions. However, beamer now has a much-improved support of verbatims. If you use verbatims a lot, you'll love the fragile frame option (to get going quickly, read the text in the tutorial section of the user's guide).
Change logs:
beamer version 3.01: added:
- Option fragile that allows the use of overlays together with verbatims. *Extremely* useful.
- Added option T to columns command/environment for alignment of top of first lines instead of baselines of first lines.
- Added a color theme (dolphin) and a presentation theme (Boadilla) due to Manuel Carro.
- Fixed fotoline in beamerbasecompatibility.sty and beamerthemeboxes.sty.
- Fixed vertical spacing problem having to do with the use of rivlist.
- Fixed problem with wrong short forms of section/subsection in certain outer themes in headline.
- Fixed bug causing unknown command insertblockname in article mode.
- Changed definition of
ormalcolor so that it works inside color
- Fixed problems with autoframebreak and unwanted breaks.
- Fixed problem with problem with vertical mode after item.
- Smoothed the rendering of the right side of boxes with shadows.
- Fixed descriptionwidth to description width.
- Fixed problem with labels outside frames creating empty frames.
- Applied lot's of spelling patches to user guide.
- Fixed hanks.
- Navigation symbols are no longer shown in handout and trans modes, by default (write setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}[default] to get them back).
pgf version 0.65:
- Fixed bug in pgfshade.sty that arises in conjunction with calc.sty and latex+dvips.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf