On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Carsten Schurig wrote:
I just uploaded the file pdfcprot-2001-11-15.tar.gz to the incoming directory of dante.ctan.org.
This archive should contain the following files: -rw-r--r-- cs/users 266 2001-11-15 15:18:02 00CONTEN -rw-r--r-- cs/users 41 2001-11-15 15:18:02 00README -rw-r--r-- cs/users 2977 2001-11-15 13:18:39 README.txt -rw-r--r-- cs/users 14439 2001-11-15 13:41:40 LEGAL.txt -rw-r--r-- cs/users 4834 2001-11-15 13:19:25 INSTALL.txt -rw-r--r-- cs/users 74799 2001-11-15 15:10:37 pdfcprot.dtx -rw-r--r-- cs/users 5520 2001-11-15 14:56:36 pdfcprot.ins -rw-r--r-- cs/users 7672 2001-11-15 15:17:13 Makefile.un
This is a package to activate character protruding with pdftex (and has some additional features in choosing different adjustments depending on the font). It is supposed to be used instead of protcode.tex.
I think these files should go somewhere into the macros/latex tree. I don't know on what you decide to put it into the unsupported or the supported tree ;-).
The licence of the package is LPPL 1.2 or newer.
Short description (taken from abstract of documentation): This package was written to provide the ``normal'' LaTeXe{} user an easy way to use the special character protruding feature invented by pdftex. Further this package provides an easy interface to adjust the character protrusion for different fonts and choosing the right adjustment automatically depending on the font.
Thanks for the upload. We put packages into macros/latex/contrib/supproted if the author is willing to accept bug reports and the like.
Therefore I've put the files into
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf