On Wed, Johannes Heinecke submitted:
Name of contribution: serto Suggested location on CTAN: languages/aramaic Summary description: syriac fonts, style-files and a preprocessor to typeset Syriac (Aramaic) License type: LaTeX Project
Announcement text:
This package enables (La)TeX users to typeset words or phrases (elatex needed) in Syriac (Aramaic) using the Serto-alphabet. The package includes a preprocessor written in Pythin (>= 1.5.2) in order to deal with the right-to-left typesetting for those who do not want to use elatex and to choose the correct letter depending on word context (initial/medial/final form) Detailed documentation and examples are included.
Thanks for the upload, I installed it in
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf