On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Walter Schmidt submitted version 8.1 of the
fonts package.
Location on CTAN: fonts/cmbright/ License: LPPL
Announcement text:
The collection is arranged à la TDS now, and it comes with ready-made documentation in PDF format, which acts as a font sample, too.
While the fonts are unchanged over version 7, the following fixes and changes have been applied to the LaTeX macros:
- The fonts are now declared as continuously scalable, so that
arbitrary sizes are supported.
The obsolete hacks regarding the use of oldstylenums and extregistered have been abolished.
When the package is loaded with the option [slantedGreek], all
upright uppercase Greek letters are made available, too
- Bug fix re. default definition of Gamma. (Credits to Olaf Dietrich
for having spotted this long-standing bug!)
The package will fix the (La)TeX logos to suit CM-Bright.
Source file cmbright.fdd abolished; all sources are in the .dtx file
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf