There has been a considerable upgrade on this existing package. The new version should make its way to a mirror near you in a day or two.
Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor.
Name of contribution: ePiX Author's name: Andrew D. Hwang Location on CTAN: graphics/epix Summary description: Version 0.8.5 License type: gpl
Announcement text given by the contribution's author: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Color, spline, and line width declarations have been simplified, and arbitrary-width lines are available. Text may be aligned with a reverse LaTeX-style option. Line segments may be specified by points other than their endpoints. A bug that affected drawing of arrowheads has been fixed, and the code has been cleaned up. Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade, since some of the new declarations are not backward-compatible. The package includes a script that will bring old input files into compliance with the new syntax. - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------