On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, Jiri VERUNEK wrote:
I have uploaded timetable.tex and timetable.tex.sign to ftp.dante.de. I suppose that the best location will be in /macros/plain/contrib/timetable
timetable.tex is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence.
timetable.tex is a TeX macro for generating timetables. It uses plain format commands. It excels in extremelely high configurability, nice appearance and simple input. It supports alternating subjects in dependence on odd and even week. Macro has radix sort mechanism so the order of subjects in input is irrelevant.
Screenshot is available at http://verunek.oceany.cz.
Thanks a lot for the upload. I installed your files in directory
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf