----- Forwarded message from Melchior FRANZ ----- I've just uploaded ## crop.tar.gz ## to ## ftp.dante.de ## licensed under the ## LPPL ## Please unpack to ## macros/latex/contrib/crop/ ##
crop.sty provides different forms of cropmarks for trimming paper stacks, for camera alignment and for visualizing the page dimensions. It offers options for centering documents on printing paper, for reflecting, mirroring, inverting documents and other features that are needed in the printing process.
Changes in version 1.8 ====================== - new kernel; adds user hooks for custom extension; pictures for axis marks for easier customization; - fixes nasty lineskip bug that could display the lower marks 1 pt too low - color support: redefines pagecolor, so that it colors only the document page; allows to color marks - presets stock{width,height} with paper{width,height} - driver detection overhaul - full pdflatex compatibility (uses eflectbox & otatebox when processed with pdflatex) - compatibility options are removed now ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/crop/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team