----- Forwarded message from Jean-Pierre Drucbert ----- I just uploaded a new version of the `minitoc' package in ftp://ftp.dante.de/incoming/minitoc.tar.gz
package: minitoc version: 39 position on CTAN : tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/minitoc/ (should replace the version 38) licence: LPPL
updates versus version 38: ======================================================================= Version #39 Corrections in documentation modern font commands added @fileswfalse and mtc@hook@beforeinputfile for the notoccite package (asked for by Donald Arseneau) added notoccite option (loads the notoccite package) added language options and .mld files for dialects: canadian (=english) acadian, acadien, canadien (=french) naustrian, ngerman (=ngermanb) added comments in .mld files using special fonts. corrections in the documentation added a paragraph about making a TOC for appendices, not listed in the main TOC. added a PDF version of the english documentation (I used the txfonts to get a better rendering with PDF; the dangerous bend signs are still in a bit-map font, but it is not vital).
TODO: compatibility with the memoir class TODO: omtcpagenumbers & memoir class ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload; I installed as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/minitoc/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team