Stéphane Galland submitted an update to the
Version: 20131214 License type: lgpl
Summary description: The bundle allows the user to create Unified Process methodology (UP or RUP) based documents. The style provides document versioning, document history, document authors, document validators, specification description, task management, and several helping macros.
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
tex-upmethodology can be used with latex. In the previous versions, only pdflatex could be used.
This release adds the macros chapterfull and sectionfull which allow the user to control the labels associated with a chapter and a section (in the core text, in the toc, and in the headers), and adds the macro ewpageintoc to help to avoid orphan lines in the toc.
The environment 'description' is redefined for enabling the specification of the separating text between the description's items and the description's texts.
Removes any reference to the package 'fancyhdr'.
The macro backcovermessage is added to insert a message at the bottom of the inner page of the back cover.
Minor bugs are fixed in the name's formatting functions.
This package is located at
More information is at
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese