On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Staszek Wawrykiewicz submitted an update to the
font package.
Location on CTAN: fonts/tex-gyre License: gfsl
With this update, the font collection
has become obsolete and been moved to
Font: TeX Gyre Chorus Design: Hermann Zapf Authors: Bogusl{}aw Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki Version: 1.000 Date: 25 IX 2007 Downloads: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/chorus License: GUST Font License Location on CTAN: fonts/tex-gyre
TeX Gyre Chorus is a font derived from handwritten letterforms of the Italian Renaissance. It was designed by Hermann Zapf (ITC Zapf Chancery, 1979; currently, other variants of this typeface are available). TeX Gyre Chorus is based on the URW Chancery L Medium Italic font, but heavily extended. The Vietnamese and Cyrillic characters were added by Han The Thanh and Valek Filippov, respectively. The font contains nearly 900 glyphs. Unlike for other fonts from the TeX Gyre collection, Greek letters are missing and so are small caps (using capital forms of chancery characters for typesetting whole words should be forbidden by law). The font is available in Postscript, TeX and Open Type formats. Please note that with the release of TeX Gyre Chorus the QuasiChancery font becames obsolete.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf