Uwe Lück submitted the new version 4.1 of his lineno package.
Summary description: version 4.1: module files incorporated, options for others License type: LaTeX Project
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/lineno
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Version 4.0 incorporated enhancements that the ednotes bundle for critical editions had provided before. -- Stephan I. Böttcher passed maintenance to Uwe Lück for this. -- Two other packages from the ednotes bundle supported linelabel in math mode and in tabular environments. They are now (version 4.1) handled by package options. See the CHANGES file and the introduction section of lineno.tex/pdf.
License: intended to be LPPL v1.3a which corrects former omission in the NO WARRANTY section (http://www.latex-project.org/site-news.html: `October 11'.)
Thanks for the upload
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf