On Thu, 22 Sep 2005, Heiko Oberdiek submitted two new packages to CTAN:
tabularht v1.0 tabularkv v1.0
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/ License: LPPL 1.3
From the README of tabularht:
% Function: This package defines some environments that adds % a height specification to tabular and array. % % Use: usepackage{tabularht} % % The package provides the following environments % that extend the tabular/array environment by % a height specification as first argument: % * tabularht, tabularht* % * arrayht % * tabularxht, tabularxht* % (if package tabularx is loaded) % % Example: % documentclass{article} % usepackage{tabularht} % % egin{document} % fbox{% % egin{tabularht*}{1in}{4in}{@{}l@{extracolsep{fill}}r@{}} % upper left corner & upper right corner% % oalign{vfill}% % multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{bounding box}\ % oalign{vfill}% % lower left corner & lower right corner\ % end{tabularht*}% % } % end{document}
From the README of tabularkv:
% Function: This package adds a key value interface for tabular % by the new environment tabularkv. Thus the TeX % source code looks better by named parameters, % especially if package tabularht is used. % % Use: usepackage{tabularkv} % % The package provides the environment tabularkv % that takes an optional argument with tabular % parameters: % * width (width specification, tabular* is used) % * x (width specification, tabularx is used, % package tabularx must be loaded) % * height (height specification, see package tabularht) % * valign (vertical positioning, this option is optional) % values: top, bottom, center % % Parameter valign optional, the following are % equivalent: % egin{tabularkv}[..., valign=top]{l}...end{tabularkv} % egin{tabularkv}[...][t]{l}...end{tabularkv} % % Example: % documentclass{article} % usepackage{tabularkv} % % egin{document} % fbox{% % egin{tabularkv}[ % width=4in, % height=1in, % valign=center % ]{@{}l@{extracolsep{fill}}r@{}} % upper left corner & upper right corner% % oalign{vfill}% % multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{bounding box}\ % oalign{vfill}% % lower left corner & lower right corner\ % end{tabularkv}% % } % end{document}
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf