the daemon perks up with the appearance of the following (which he had previously imagined to be a myth concocted by people on the net):
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: unicode-math Author's name: Will Robertson Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/unicode-math Summary description: Unicode math support for XeTeX and LuaTeX License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
Well, I guess it's now or never. With an archive of emails about the thing going back to 2006, I think it's finally time to release this package. (Sorry about the hold-up, really.)
This is the initial release of the unicode-math package for inclusion in TeX Live 2010. It is designed to typeset mathematics with unicode input and using OpenType math fonts. (There is very very little compatibility with older maths packages.) XeTeX support is fully tested but LuaTeX not quite so much. (At least the example file runs...)
You can typeset with the STIX fonts with the present version of the package, but there is no support yet for its extra alphabets in the Unicode `private use area'. I hope to add support for them soon.
Thanks to all the people who've provided valuable feedback over the years, and especially to Barbara Beeton for laying the foundations with her work with the STIX fonts.
Good luck; I hope it works. Let me know if it doesn't. Finally, this package is by no means complete (it's called the initial release for a reason). Your feedback and suggestions now are greatly appreciated. Anyone coming along to the TUG 2010 conference will have the opportunity to hear me speak about it in a couple of weeks. (But will I be able to muster up a full 30 minutes? Actually, yeah, I probably will.)
Time for a beer.
have a good one!
i have installed the package and created an entry in the catalogue repository.
Users may view the package catalogue entry at or they may browse the package directory at
though, of course, the catalogue entry won't appear on the web until some time tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team